Adding Residential Window Tinting for an Affordable Energy Improvement When Renovating

If you want to update your windows during renovations to your home, some of the available options may be too costly. Therefore, you may be looking for a more efficient option for your home. Today, options like residential window tinting give you a lot of options for improvements. There are several things to consider for tinting the windows in your home. The following residential tinting information will help you with these improvements for your restoration project:

Repairing Damaged Windows Before Tinting

When you are planning on tinting your windows, you will need to repair any damage to the openings first. The window tinting can be damaged if you do the repairs after it is installed. Therefore, you want to inspect all the openings for damage and repair any problems that you find. In addition to repairing the damage, you may want to paint the window casings before the new tinting is installed.

Glass Repairs to Deal With Imperfections

There may also be problems with damaged glass that needs to be repaired before you can have your windows tinted. The severely damaged glass will need to be replaced before the tinting can be completed, but minor damage can be repaired. If there are issues with minor cracks or scratches, modern glass repair techniques can be used to repair these issues before the tint film material is installed.

Cleaning the Glass Before Tinting the Windows

The cleaning of the windows has to be done before the glass can be tinted. You want to make sure to clean the inside and outside of the glass. If you have painted and caulked the windows, use a razor to remove any spots or overspray while cleaning the windows. Make sure to only use a sharp razor blade and to do this when the glass is wet. Cleaning the glass while it is wet will prevent scratches and damage.

Choosing the Type of Residential Window Tints

When it comes to residential window tints, there are a lot of options for the type of materials that you can use. You want to choose the right window tint films for different areas of your home and energy needs. In areas where you want to have more privacy, darker colored tints can be used. In areas where you may be more interested in natural light, clear glass films can be used to improve the energy efficiency of windows.

The addition of tint to windows is a great alternative to other options like replacements. Call a residential tinting service to discuss these options to update your windows when doing renovations.
