Have You Decided To Enclose Your Patio?
Have you come to the realization that your outdoor patio only gets used during a few months of the year? You may have decided that you'll have a lot more use out of your patio if you enclosed it. Think of relaxing in it while there is a winter storm outside, or during the summer months when mosquitoes are just ready to attack you. Aren't you glad you decided to enclose your outdoor patio? From arranging for patio door installation to choosing the windows for your enclosed patio, here are some ideas that might help you to create a very usable and attractive room.
The Patio Door
You'll probably need two doors for your enclosed patio, right? One door that will lead from your existing house out to the patio, and another one to use if you want to enter the enclosed patio from your backyard. When you consider the kind of door that you will use to enter from your house, say from the living room, consider using something like French doors which will add interest and beauty to the room. The great thing about selecting French doors for your entry door installation is that, even if you close that area of the house off, your living room will still look very nice. Closing the doors may be a great option in many instances. For example, let's say that you're having a party where there will be both children and adults at your home. You can use the enclosed area to entertain the children with their own television show or with them playing board games while the adults have their own private time.
The Windows
Consider using picture windows on as many walls of your enclosed patio as you can. This will mean that your family and friends can still look at your backyard even when they're inside -- it will almost be like bringing the outside into your home. Think about having the windows tinted as well. Not only will that block some of the hot rays of the sun, but your furniture and other decor will be protected. Of course, if you have glass on the walls, you are probably wondering where you can display paintings and other photographs. No worries; think about purchasing decorative easels that can be positioned in strategic areas of your enclosed patio. Those easels can hold anything from a painting to a collage of favorite family photographs.